

主演:马特·瑞安,Lucy Griffiths



康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.1康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.2康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.3康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.4康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.5康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.6康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.13康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.14康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.15康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.16康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.17康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.18康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.19康斯坦丁2014 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-06-03 00:06


康斯坦丁,一个现实主义者,他很少使用魔法,用大脑和盟友解决问题,可是在他眼中盟友只是利用的对象,无论什么时候伴随他的只有死亡,他身后永远都紧随着那些因他死去的盟友们。   他厌恶那些穿着紧身衣的英雄,同样那些英雄们也厌恶着他。但他总是有一种领导力,领导那些英雄们无法判断的难题。   他欺骗魔鬼,欺骗上帝,他只为了自己,但是他有底线和原则,他自己衡量邪恶与正义。   他总是不由自主的去调戏盟友们,总会有人死心塌地的中招,然后被他伤透心。   从某种程度上讲他有很强的控制欲,当盟友不在信任他时,他会使用自己的小手段去控制住他们。   总而言之,他是一个欺诈师,心理学家,侦探,魔法师,音乐家,一个孤独的人


 1 ) A Unknown Account of Skype Who To Kill Everyone in Unfriended,

Here is a Film Plot :
Set in Fresno, California, Unfriended is told through a laptop screencast of high school student Blaire Lily (Shelley Hennig), one year after her childhood friend Laura Barns (Heather Sossaman), a victim of cyberbullying, had committed suicide after an embarrassing video of her was uploaded to YouTube. Blaire is contacted over Skype by her boyfriend Mitch Roussel (Moses Jacob Storm) and later joined by three of their friends: Jess Felton (Renee Olstead), Ken Smith (Jacob Wysocki), and Adam Sewell (Will Peltz), as well as a faceless account named "billie227", who claims to be Laura.

The group make several unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the user. Later they suspect that another girl, Val Rommel (Courtney Halverson), whom they all despise, is pranking them. When she is invited to the chat, Jess's Facebook is suddenly updated with photos of Val drinking and smoking at a party. Jess, who proclaims her innocence, attempts to delete the photos, but they continue to reappear. After finally deleting them, the photos are mysteriously posted by Adam's account. After being threatened multiple times by Laura, Val eventually calls 911 to report online abuse and signs off.

After finding out that the user's account is Laura's, Blaire gets an email from her which includes a link to the Instagram website, showing a photo of a message Laura sent Val a year earlier, begging her to remove the embarrassing video. Val cruelly rejected the plea and told her to kill herself. When multiple Instagram users criticize Val, she is suddenly brought back into the chat. Val is seen silently standing motionless in her bathroom, next to an open bottle of bleach. Concerned, when Blaire calls Val to check on her, Val's phone is seen vibrating across her counter. Suddenly, her laptop is abruptly knocked to the ground. The police arrive and shout out police codes. The group try to work out what happened to Val using those codes, and her death is eventually labeled a suicide. Though it is not explicitly stated, it is implied that Val was forced to drink the bottle of bleach.

After Ken briefly gets the account out of the chat, Adam tries to call the police, but is met by a voice telling him to not hang up. Laura resurfaces as a camera view that is revealed to be in Ken's room. Ken is seen being attacked by an unseen force, then shredding his hand in an active blender, before killing himself by breaking the blender then using the blades to slice his throat.

Laura forces the four remaining friends to play Never Have I Ever, threatening to end the loser's life. Through this game, she reveals dark secrets that put the friends at odds with each other. Adam becomes enraged and uses the game to force Blaire to reveal that she is no longer a virgin, having had sex with him twice. Mitch retaliates by forcing Adam to reveal that he gave a girl roofies at a party, had sex with her while she was unconscious and then forced her to get an abortion when he found out that she was pregnant. Blaire and Adam then receive messages from their printer, but refuse to reveal what their messages say. Mitch, angry that Blaire and Adam are apparently sending "secret messages", threatens to log off, to which Laura responds that if he does, he will die. Eventually, Blaire shows her note: "If you reveal this note, Adam will die." Adam immediately shoots himself in the face as his screen shows his note: "If you reveal this note, Blaire will die."

Laura demands to know who defaced her grave. After Jess refuses to admit she was the one who vandalized it, Laura turns all the lights off in her house. As Jess hides in her bathroom, Blaire goes on Chatroulette and successfully gets someone to call the police. Suddenly, Jess' video feed disconnects and for a few seconds, she is seen screaming at an unseen force that is seemingly possessing her. Seconds after, she is shown choking to death on an electric hair straightener, that was activated. Blaire receives a Facebook notification from Jess's account and it is an image of Jess during her death, immortalised into an Internet meme by Laura.

Laura then demands to know who uploaded the video of her. After Laura privately messages Blaire on Facebook, asking who posted the video, Blaire admits that it was Mitch who uploaded it. Mitch suddenly dies when he stabs himself in the eye, leaving Blaire alone in the chat room.

As Blaire breaks down crying, Laura thanks her for her help, but tells her that she must confess to one more thing. Blaire tries to placate Laura by showing her past photos of when the two were friends. Laura uploads the humiliating video of her on Blaire's Facebook account, but in this version, Blaire is revealed to be the cameraman who is laughing at Laura's misfortune. The video is flooded with hate comments blaming Blaire for Laura's death. Blaire, in a state of shock, sits silently just as billie227 signs off followed by her bedroom door creaking open. Silhouetted hands appear out of nowhere and they suddenly close Blaire's laptop (as the film switches to a first-person view). Laura's vengeful ghost suddenly appears as Blaire unleashes one final scream.
That is What Happened....,4 Star,

 2 ) 故事“如何讲” > 故事“是什么”



伪纪录片发展至今似乎已处于瓶颈。当观众已经不太容易被一卷“实拍”录像带吓到的时候,《Unfriended》终于打开了一个新思路。看着女主被吓到的时候单开iMessage找男友安慰、听到不懂的Police Code马上去搜索引擎查找答案、遇到无法解释的灵异事件去看相关论坛的讨论…这种实打实的代入感让人始终兴奋异常。这种设定的另一大优势就是,当你只能看到电脑屏幕的画面,你将对主角操纵电脑之外的事情一无所知。电影后段传真信情节巧妙应用了这个特点制造了悬念。



 3 ) 好恐怖啊这电影


电影主要讲述了6个朋友(三男三女)对Laura Barn 进行网络暴力,致其自杀,并且后来被Laura的鬼魂报复的故事。




不过第一个男的Ken死得好冤啊(笑),他做的就是下载了一个trojan destroyer 然后就被杀了hhhhh,笑死了,艹

 4 ) 鬼都玩起了心理战术加高科技





一帮高中生一起在外party,一个妹子laura喝多了,准确说是喝晕了,然后被拍下了录像,刚看完trailor我以为是这个妹子被强暴了,不过其实是····拉裤子了····要让我想想倒觉得poop urself比 get raped 要好些。但是和我一起去看的歪果仁小伙伴一口咬定如果被所有同学知道了,拉裤子绝对是更丢人的那个····



故事开始在2015.4.12, Laura去世一周年忌。

女主Blair,她的男盆友Mich,男主的基友adam,女主闺蜜jess,还有逗比胖子ken,还有所有人都不喜欢的贱人一号Val。 六个人的视频混进了第七个人,还没有头像,但是大家怎么都删不了,所以只以为是个glitch,聊着聊着电脑开始抽风了,首先是死去女孩,laura的facebook account开始给女主男主留言,大家都以为是有人黑进了她的account。然后就是Val的不雅照被jess和ken上传,但他们都坚称没有做过这件事。然后不多出现以各个人账号打出的聊天记录,但是大家都说自己没有在打字。所以人都处在相互不信任和互骂的时候,第七个账号,大家以为skype故障的那玩意,居然开始说话了····







Laura是被丑闻逼死的,所以她反问大家,你们都没有丑闻?然后邀请大家玩一个耳熟能详的drinking game“Never have u ever”(大概规则就是每个人举五根手指,没问一个问题,比如“你喝醉过么?”,然后做过的人就要放下一根手指,最先放下五根手指的就输了,输的人喝酒)

只不过在这个drinking game里,输的人不用喝酒,直接去喝孟婆汤就好了。



然后女鬼问,Never have i ever post the video of Laura to youtube?(就是问到底是谁把我的视频传到了网上)













 5 ) 美国人对恐怖片的创意似乎是不竭的


本片是自《鬼影实录》开创出所谓的固定镜头监视器式的电影后再次创新出独具风格的“电脑桌面电影”,99.99%的场景没有离开现代人熟悉的电脑屏幕上的内容。所有的信息获得和恐怖气氛营造就是通过视频群聊、网络聊天工具、facebook、电子邮件、Google搜索这些软件内容的组合来达到。以前的灵异类恐怖电影,总是通过一些无法用物理理论解释的超自然现象来吓观众。但本片仅通过电脑软件的正常现象的组合来给人恐怖。几乎没有超自然现象,但是你却能深刻感受到不合常理,惊悚莫名。 比如聊天群里无法踢走的人、视频群聊里卡顿的画面、自己个人主页上莫名上传的照片和视频,社交网站上怎么都无法解除的好友等等。全都是与当下互联网社会息息相关的,全是新鲜的吓人方法。在互联网深入人们生活之前是无法在恐怖片里被展现的。



 6 ) Deadly Online on Skype & Facebook on Unfriended,

When a humiliating video of Fresno, California high school student Laura Barns (Heather Sossaman) is uploaded to YouTube, causing her to endure widespread mockery and ridicule, she promptly commits suicide.

A year later, her closest friend, Blaire Lily (Shelley Hennig), views a LiveLeak video of Laura's suicide - where she is seen pointing a gun to her head and shooting herself, despite nearby students begging her to stop. Blaire is then contacted over Skype by her boyfriend Mitch Roussel (Moses Jacob Storm). Both are joined by their classmates Jess Felton (Renee Olstead), Ken Smith (Jacob Wysocki), and Adam Sewell (Will Peltz). During their conversation, however, they notice a random user dubbed "billie227" in their chat, who was not invited in by any of the participants.

After several unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the stranger, the fivesome suspect a sixth classmate–Val Rommel (Courtney Halverson), whom they all despise—is pranking them. Accordingly, they invite Val to their chat. Without warning, Jess's Facebook is updated with photos of Val drinking and smoking at a party. As Val loses her temper, Jess proclaims her innocence while struggling to delete the photos, which suddenly reappear on Adam's account. After repeated threats from Billie, Val calls 911 to report online abuse and then signs off.

The fivesome discover that "billie227" was Laura Barns' Instagram account. Blaire is sent a link that reveals a photo of Laura messaging Val for her to remove the humiliating video and asking for friendship, and Val rejecting her, telling her to kill herself. Multiple Instagram users then slander Val, who is suddenly brought back into the chat, sitting motionless in her bathroom next to an open bottle of bleach. Initially thinking her camera is frozen, they discover that Val is in fact paralysed in some way as her phone is seen vibrating when Blaire attempts to call her. Val then crashes to the floor as the police arrive. At first, the friends believe she just experienced a seizure, but thereafter, based on the codes that the policemen relay to their colleagues, they deduce that Val committed suicide, most likely by being forced to drink the bleach.

Ken finally gets Billie out of their chat using anti-virus software. When Adam tries to call the police, he is warned by a mysterious voice against hanging up. Billie resurfaces with a camera view from across Ken's room. Ken walks over to have a look and freezes in horror. His webcam momentarily disconnects, and then reconnects to show him being thrown about by an unseen force and mangling his hand in a blender, before using the blades to slice his own throat, thus killing himself. Billie then displays the video that caused Laura's eventual suicide; dubbed "Leaky Laura", it shows a drunk Laura face-down on the ground near her house, barely conscious, sprawled in her menstrual blood and excrement.

Billie forces Adam, Blaire, Mitch, and Jess to play Never Have I Ever, stating that the loser of the game will die. All four friends are forced to reveal dark secrets which put them at odds with each other: Jess spread rumors that Blaire had an eating disorder, Blaire got drunk and crashed Jess's mother's car, Mitch kissed Laura soon before her death and reported Adam to the police for selling weed, Jess stole $800 from Adam, and Adam offered to trade Jess' life for his own. Soon after it is also revealed that Blaire had sex with Adam behind Mitch's back on two occasions and Adam forced their classmate Ashley Dane to get an abortion after he date raped her using roofies at a party.

Blaire and Adam suddenly receive secret messages from their printers. Worried that they are still lying behind his back, Mitch furiously demands that Blaire reveal her note to him and threatens to leave if she doesn't. Billie assures Blaire that if Mitch leaves, he will die. In a moment of panic and high stress, Blaire shows her message: "If you reveal this note, Adam will die." Adam suddenly kills himself by shooting himself in the face; as he collapses, his camera reveals his note: "If you reveal this note, Blaire will die."

Billie then asks which of the threesome defaced Laura's grave. When Blaire warns Jess against answering said question, Billie turns off all the lights in her house. Jess hides in her bathroom, while Blaire goes on Chatroulette and gets someone to call the police. Suddenly, the video feed disconnects after Jess is seen screaming and being thrown around the room by an unseen entity. Soon after, Blaire receives a Facebook notification from Jess's account. A video of Jess being fatally choked with her own electric hair-straightener appears, and is then uploaded as an Image macro, with the caption being "looks like she finally stfu".

Billie privately messages Blaire on Facebook, finally wanting her to confess who uploaded the Leaky Laura video. Blaire tries to deny any involvement from her and Mitch, but after Billie continues counting down the seconds she has to admit the truth, she confesses that Mitch did it. Without warning, Mitch grabs his own knife and stabs himself in the head, collapsing and disconnecting his video feed, leaving Blaire all alone.

As Blaire breaks down in tears, Billie - finally unveiled as Laura herself - declares her appreciation for Blaire's honesty. A desperate Blaire tries to remind Laura of their friendship when she was alive, but Laura responds by uploading another video of herself on Blaire's account. It is the same Leaky Laura video, only this time the video continues to show that Blaire was the one recording it, laughing at Laura's misfortune and treating it as a prank. With the truth finally revealed, Blaire's account is soon bombarded with hateful comments from those who denounce her for causing Laura's death. Laura tells Blaire that she wishes she could forgive her before signing off.

Blaire is left alone once again; during the silence, her bedroom door suddenly creaks open. A pair of hands slams her laptop shut before disappearing into the darkness. Blaire calls out to Laura, and without warning, Laura's vengeful spirit lashes out at Blaire, presumably killing her as the screen cuts to black.



  • 青方豆腐乳
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  • 路过顺便吐个槽
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  • 糖紫
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撕逼大战太闹心了 吵死。鬼会玩

  • O
  • 较差


  • 国王KING
  • 力荐


  • 点击即刻爆炸
  • 还行

7块钱的电影票 配合这个爆米花电影还算合理 一起看的都是高中生 在边上一直瞎逼逼反而给电影加分了 超级迷你小成本 但是看得出来演员跟制作都用心 只是剧本太low 做成15分钟小短片比较好 作为电影真的有点low 学生习作feel

  • 逢考必过肖浩菌
  • 较差


  • 深夜的阿斯伯格
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  • 推荐

虽然蠢到爆除了女主没一个角色智商在正常频道好几个桥段蠢到观众集体笑场,但是看完后走出电影院还是有一些思考,一边拍着胸脯说“怕什么我又没做过亏心事”,一边就心虚了,想到自己高中的时候也发生过类似的事好在人没死…人还是要多做好事行善积德,不要故意伤害别人徒一时爽快= =

  • 小小鱼
  • 还行

觉得很好看啊 美国人笑点好低

  • donger
  • 力荐

看不见的东西最恐怖 被卡屏吓尿

  • t0psh1t
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这个类型又给玩出新花样了\o/ 创意满分💯

  • 和风莫吉托
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  • zzfznp
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  • 三日月雫
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  • 芦哲峰
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  • 欧达羊
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  • comeoverchen
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  • 朝暮雪
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撕逼大战hin有趣 但是只有在电脑上看才能发挥功效,这片子要是在影院看能给憋死

  • mångata
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