




摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.1摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.2摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.3摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.4摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.5摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.6摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.13摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.14摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.15摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.16摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.17摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.18摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.19摩登家庭第四季 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-05-20 10:06


新的一季里,刚过完65岁生日的杰(艾德·奥尼尔 Ed O'Neill 饰)和娇妻格劳丽亚(索菲娅·维加拉 Sofía Vergara 饰)迎来了新生命的孕育。杰烦恼着孩子的性别,他的继子曼尼则暗自为自己可能受到冷落不安。克莱尔(朱丽·鲍温 Julie Bowen 饰)和丈夫菲尔(泰·布利尔 Ty Burrell 饰)依依不舍的将大女儿海莉送入了大学,眼看二女儿艾丽克斯和小儿子卢克也即将长大成人,夫妻俩开始规划数年后的二人世界生活。米切尔(杰西·泰勒·弗格森 Jesse Tyler Ferguson 饰)和同性爱人卡梅隆(艾瑞克·斯通斯崔特 Eric Stonestreet 饰)也将养女莉莉送到了幼儿园,他们买了一只猫陪伴莉莉,一直赋闲在家的卡梅隆也终于得以回到自己钟爱的工作岗位。  温馨大家庭的影像记录故事已经来到了第四季。伴随着三个家庭点滴的成长与变化,相信这部剧集还将走得更远。


 1 ) The lighter




“This is a lighter. It belonged to my favorite actor, Paul Newman. One day, he came into the restaurant where I was waitressing and accidentally left it behind. For the first time in my life, I did something I wasn't supposed to and slipped it into my pocket. One of the customers saw and said, 'don't worry. Your secret's safe with me.' That customer turned out to be the love of my life, your grandfather. So, my Alex, who I love so dearly, who is probably too much like me for her own good, every once in a while, don't be afraid to break the rules. You never know what can happen.”



 2 ) 最后一集

That's the funny thing about marriage, you fall in love with this extraordinary person, and over time they begin to seem ordinary. There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange, mixed affair we call life. when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke. Though the wit thereof he but dimly discerns. And more than suspects that the joke is nobody's expense but his own. She was always doing crazy stuff like this going out of her way to take care of us.I coughed on the phone once and she overnighted me soup. When I wanted to learn how to ski, she knit me a sweater.When I wanted to be a marine biologist, she knit me a sweater with a whale on it. This is a lighter. It belonged to my favorite actor, Paul Newman. One day, he came into the restaurant where I was waitressing and accidentally left it behind.For the first time in my life, I did something I wasn't supposed to and slipped it into my pocket.One of the customers saw and said, "don't worry, your secret's safe with me."That customer turned out to be the love of my life, your grandfather.So my Alex, who I love so dearly, who's probably too much like me for her own good. Every once in a while, don't be afraid to break the rules.You never know what can happen.

 3 ) This is a lighter

This is a lighter. It belonged to my favorite actor Paul Newman. One day, he came to the restaurant where I was waitressing and accidentally left behind. For the first time in my life, I did something I wasn’t supposed to and slipped it into my pocket. One of the customer saw and said “Don’t worry. Your secret is safe with me.” That customer turned out to be the love of my life, your grandfather.

So, my Alex, who I love so dearly, who is probably too much like me for her own good, every once in a while, don’t be afraid to break the rules. You never know what can happen.

 4 ) 家庭生活的乌托邦




对于摩登家庭来说,电视剧里描述的生活无疑是天朝人民不可企及的。(当然,也不觉得美帝人民就可以轻易实现。只是天朝人民的距离更加遥远)物质上来看,三户人家,全部住在生活方便、宁静详和的小镇上,生活安定,而且还家家拥有一幢town house,光是这一点就可以秒杀被房价逼死的天朝人民了。但是我觉得,更重要的是,是三户人家各自独立、互相关爱而又互不干涉的生活态度。




 5 ) 台词记录喜剧程度拉满

-Jay,Do you have some time today? We need to go and pick out a stroller. -Just get whatever you want.I mean, it's what you're gonna do anyway. -What i want is the husband who likes to go shopping for a dollar with me. -If you have a husband who liked picking out strollers,you wouldn't be having a baby. ..... -Manny:So who wants to come with me to the spoken word festival this evening?I only have two tickets,so somebody's gonna be disappointed. -Jay:I think it's gonna be you.

 6 ) 仅记录喜欢的片段

4-7 海莉醉酒袭警被拘留。菲尔一路上都在念经过的华夫饼店而克莱尔理都不理他,海莉觉得自己没有错而且是受害者,向来是唱白脸的好父亲菲尔又饿又困难得爆发训了她一顿,克莱尔这才又惊又喜的说去给他买华夫饼哈哈哈 4-10克莱尔和卡梅隆为了棒球赛修建棒球场。他们发现棒球场附近有一栋旧房子在出售,想买下来翻修再高价倒卖出去,菲尔和米奇尔明里暗里不同意,觉得他们做不来这事。后来棒球场修好了,做的出乎意料的规整!(克莱尔和卡梅隆,一个是婚前事业有成的酒店管理,一个是全能的老师)菲尔说“这就是婚姻的可笑之处。你爱上了一个不一般的人,随着长时间的相处,慢慢地只看得见对方平凡的样子。”That's the funny thing about marriage.You fall in love with this extraordinary person,and over time,they begins to seem ordinary.

珍惜身边人。 4-12 菲尔没收了海莉的工资作家用,海莉为了气父母找了个牛仔裤大叔约会。一开始克莱尔很生气菲尔却很开心的穿上新牛仔裤。但是当夫妻俩看到海莉跟大叔接吻的时候,菲尔不淡定了,而克莱尔却想到自己曾经也是这样气老爹的,只要强装无所谓女儿自然会跟大叔分手还会恶心到自己。最后海莉吹牛逼说要去很远的地方吃饭还要开房,克莱尔假装支持她还让菲尔给她信用卡。海莉乘坐的电梯门关了后,菲尔大爆发把克莱尔骂的狗血淋头说她判断力一直有问题,然后冲进另一部电梯。没想到海莉真的如克莱尔意料的返回来了。















👩“Just enjoy it.”


4-13老爸和三姐弟的social problem 评论说是致敬教父 毛绒斑马头🐴也太逗了

4-16 宝宝👶的头发被剪残了,一家人疯狂甩锅,居然最后甩在了老爹身上哈哈哈,一个个向自己的左边看→_→

4-17 莉莉和她爸爸女性朋友的对话,超可爱哈哈哈 -抱歉没让你来婚礼 -没事,我下次去就好 小白眼翻得溜

4-18 卢克真是多才多艺哈哈哈 除了学习其他都优秀哈哈哈 结尾教小舅打球的迷之教程笑死 想起之前还变相的教格洛莉娅单车哈哈哈

 7 ) 戏较中美家庭伦理情景喜剧



它们都有一个口音不正的外地妇女。当然,跟啊娇比,确实委屈了 Gloria 。

它们都有很多植入广告。比如 phil一家的房车。还有cam在某一集更是赤裸裸地赞赏可以将刹车变油门的普锐斯。每一季最后一集其实都是广告。(这些广告做得还是挺好的)。本集的题目是 “佛罗里达是个有黄昏艳遇的养老好地方”。这是在号召全美的老年男性都到佛罗里达来排解本地妇女的寂寞。(看看jay老爹不就碰见了他的初夜了么)(最后的追思会其实就是叫你 死也要死在佛罗里达)。不过,这些广告还算是切合剧情发展。相比之下,“外XXX”就没那么明目张胆了,他们最多只是在汝好里放个燕塘冰箱卖卖牛奶广告。



一开始看这部剧就很喜欢Haley这个清新的邻家女孩,第二季里面她还是那么楚楚动人,第三季,发育得比较丰满但是依然俏皮性感(cos猫女那集,我反复看了n次,口水直流)。nm第四季,你在敢肥肉横生点么?我小清新的女神哪里去了?(cos tooth fairy 那段 看的我。。。如果我是lily,立马吓得把一百块给她了)期待她能够在第五季减肥成功。(貌似不可能,欧美的女孩过了青春期,体重就会飙起来,自己都控制不住。比如Christina Aguilera还有Kristen Stewart)

Alex middle child 啊。妈妈惯着姐姐,因为她像自己年轻时那样放纵不羁(“浪”会不会更好呢?)。爸爸很疼弟弟,因为他像自己一样有很多奇思妙想(其实就是“傻')。可是,alex呢 ?Alex这个科学怪人谁也不像啊,就没人爱了。。。没人爱啊!!!还好有奶奶爱她 。。。可是她的奶奶呢?她奶奶死了!!!(呜呜 ,万恶的编剧。。。)alex也是增重明显,(LOLI变大妈是欧美女孩的宿命,)

phil 这个充满活力,童心未泯的老爹。一定是广大男同胞学习的楷模。最后一集里面他不得不跟邻街老妇说他母亲遗愿那暮。看到phil那张脸,说话时脸上的褶皱居然是呈菱形。他真是越老越好看。

claire 绝望的主妇。每次看到她在家里做饭时,我都在想究竟会不会有这样的家庭主妇平时没事在家里会化浓烈的烟熏眼妆!好吧,化了妆才会有这种绝望的感觉。不过,看过朱莉鲍温演的其他戏,没有金发,没有浓烈眼妆,也就没有大明星相。(ps 她的眼有点斗鸡)

Gloria 热辣的丑角。笑的就是她西班牙式的英文啦。最喜欢那些舌音啦。说一次模仿一次。有点让我想起广东电视台那部千年肥皂剧”外XXX本XX“里面的阿娇。原来描述一个女人泼辣就是让这个女人拿着刀对其他人说话。这一点天朝和美的是共通的。



thank you

 8 ) My Favorite


Phil: Nice game of chicken, Claire. She's gone!
Claire: She is coming back. I am almost positive.
Phil: Why do I listen to you? Why? You were wrong about the iPod being a failure. You were wrong about tomato being a vegetable. I don't even want to talk about your favorite "Planet" Pluto!
Haley:You were going to let me go with him?
Claire: Isn't that what you wanted, honey?
Haley: What's the matter with you?! You've been acting so weird ever since I left college!
Claire: For the record, you didn't leave college. You were asked to leave.
Haley: Oh, which you guys never let me forget, especially dad.
Claire: Honey, your father...
Haley: Oh, you don't have to tell me what he thinks, okay? I'm a huge disappointment to him. I see it on his face every day. He acts as if he doesn't even want me around.
Phil: Give me the ticket for the car.
Claire: Phil...
Phil: I'm going after her! This little chicken game may work for your dad, but it doesn't work for me. That's my little girl. I need her to know that no guy on earth is good enough for her, let alone some slimy, middle-aged jean salesman!
Phil: What's this?
Claire: Just enjoy it.

Jay: There's all kinds of milestones in life. The kind you expect to live through... The first kiss. Birthdays. Graduations. If you're lucky, a wedding or two. Or even a new addition to the family. You never dreamed you'd get to live through again. And that's the best kind of all. Why am I spoiling it for you? You'll see for yourself.


Haley: Uh, what do you think you're doing out there?
Alex: I'm flirting.
Haley: That's what I was afraid of.
Alex: Look, I'm not gonna pretend I'm stupid just so a boy will like me.
Haley: Of course not. But you don't have to put the poor guy to shame. Flirting with boys is about increasing your value, not decreasing theirs.
Alex: That's a complicated thought. What magazine taught you that?
Haley: You're doing it again! The mean things. Can you even hear it or what?!
Alex: I heard it.
Haley: Good. So now that he knows that you're smart, let's work on being nice.

Haley & Alex: We won!
Boy A & B: Man, that sucks! Yeah, totally un-masculating.
Alex: Well, at least you guys look cool when you play.
Boy A & B: Let's play again. This never happened.
Haley: Actually, we need to go hang out with our family for a while.
Boy A & B: Really? Now?
Haley: Yeah, but we'll be around. We'll see you guys.
Alex: What happened? Did I mess up?
Haley: No, you did great.
Alex: So he didn't like me?
Haley: No, he totally liked you.
Alex: Then why'd we walk away?
Haley: This was never about him. This was about getting you some confidence. Guys will pick up on that. Better guys. Guys who can lose to a girl without feeling e-masculated.
Alex: Okay, try not to throw this in my face one day, but sometimes you're actually really smart. Like, smart smart. I hope you know that.
Haley: And I'm totally throwing that in your face one day. Are you kidding?

Jay: Good guy.
Cam: Who -- Teddy? Yeah. Yeah, he's the best.
Jay: Nuts he can't find anybody, huh? Gotta be something a little off there. He definitely did not bring out the best in Mitchell, I can tell you that right now.
Cam: Oh, really? Well, you know, not that it matters... but in what way exactly?
Jay: Honestly? When they were together, Mitchell could be a bit of pill. Now, I like Teddy, but when they broke up, I was actually kinda glad. Of course , Mitchell thought that I was uncomfortable because of the gay thing, and maybe I was, but... I really just wanted him to be happy. Like he is now. And when you two started up, everyone thought, "Well, there it is."
#Okay, kids. Couples skate. Grab someone you love and get out there.#
Cam: Jay, you can be so...
Jay: I'm not skating with you, Cam.
Cam: Yeah.
Claire: What about me, dad? You wanna skate with me?

Manny: What qualifies someone as a hero? Obviously, a hero has to be someone we respect. A person we look up to. A person who is generous of spirit. Who's willing to grow and learn. Maybe it's the person you love most in the world or the guy who makes the most out of life, no matter what anyone thinks. For me, though... The hero in my family is my family because of who we are together.
C-. "This was not the assignment." I'll tell you who is not my hero, Mrs. Rita Mcnabb.


Phil: My daughter Alex would like to pay tribute.
Alex: My grandmother and I had a very special bond. This may not make sense to everyone, but I'm pretty sure she would've loved it.
"This is a lighter. It belonged to my favorite actor, Paul Newman. One day, he came into the restaurant where I was waitressing and accidentally left it behind. For the first time in my life, I did something I wasn't supposed to and slipped it into my pocket. One of the customers saw and said, "don't worry. Your secret's safe with me." That customer turned out to be the love of my life, your grandfather. So, my Alex, who I love so dearly, who is probably too much like me for her own good, every once in a while, don't be afraid to break the rules. You never know what can happen."



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